по-моему это прекрасно
there was very quiet
all the time
because the trees needed to focus on their livesvimeo.com/18305022на английскомgrowing is forever
(trinidad grove)
a very long time ago
there were no growth
because everywhere was a growth
with no roads to buy a sect
and no people to erape stones and fences and bridges
the trees were very, very young and hadn't much living ahead of them
the enormaty of their life-spend loomed and woolly mists around them
so they stretched out their rootfingers and wrap them around each others into twining and holding very tight
the furns from pockets of rootfingers where they could nesseling
and the mass stretch itself out over this oil and everything became very soft
the trees grew and made patterns of light and dark on the ground
and the vines sworled in to trace the patterns
spotted spiders moved back and forth then up and down
making nets to catch the mist
and the mist would linger on the nets and drops that caped the light
there was very quiet
all the time
because the trees needed to focus on their lives
it is not easy to grow so much for so long
some trees became tired and lay down on the soft ground
others linked and rested their tops on one another
when one tree had to stop another would grow out of it and reach very high into the gray and cold sky
growing is forever they whisperedпростите, я записал это на слух и так и не разобрал там пару слов
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